Your EPEC series has proved to be successful over the past few years and the stability of the rules probably helps this. I am not in favour of success ballast. I know it happens in Touring Cars but that is a show as much as anything. I'd prefer a race to be equal and the best driver/mechanic team win.
Kelvin's scrutineering of motors adds significant credibility to the series and works. I have certainly not heard any complaints but this would still be required under an engine buy-back scheme. I definitely see the point in clubman classes of keeping costs down and the non-use of SPs would be an initial start but the rebuild costs will be much the same and I am not sure how you could police this.
Control tyres system has worked and while we all would probably like to reduce the cost of tyres there has to be a balance between cost and consistency. The Bridgestone supply has been good and they tyre quality has been consistent for the past couple of years and no wets is probably the best rule that you've introduced/adopted. There are cheaper tyres, I agree, but if you look at the inconsistency in something like the Kartline that you used a few years back I doubt it would be worth the saving (some were not even round!).
Fuel is controlled and the racing is close. Change as you require to as a consequence of events (like the introduction of the new engine) but I wouldn't do anything other than tweak around the edges.