The reason I posted again was after our experience at PFI
Previously we had survived wet test days with the (right) engine only failing at the end and once everything was well and truly soaked through - and that without any WD40 or Duckoil around any of the electrics at all.
Not saying you don't need to do that as clearly it's a great idea and used it yesterday, and will again, but after 2 rounds, with the track at the 2 chicanes (2nd corner of each) completely covered in water at the apex (especially the 2nd chicane) I noticed the front runners clearly missing as much as they could of the standing water, which concentrated on the right side of the kart chassis, and others going through it and suffering engine misfire from one engine straight away.
Our kart suffered right engine shut down twice on the 2nd heat, the first time after the formation lap, and the second on the 2nd to last lap on that heat.
So looked at it again, and took the airbox off and there was standing water in the bottom of the airbox (covered in it, not just drops) and in the bottom of the air filter metal unit (where the paper is removed) when I took off the (completely soaked) foam filter. It was awash with water.
Dried the housing, replaced the complete filter and foam and it went out for the 3rd heat and performed flawlessly (admittedly now with driver instructions to avoid all standing water wherever possible ) and only into the final when the problems came back again after about 10 minutes drive time of the final, with driver now instructed to �give it a pull� and it started first time when he did.
Each race/heat had a good dose of Duckoil on all the necessaries around electrics etc so by this (admittedly ) short series of tests it seemed to me that water was in fact getting into the right engine air filter and induction system.
Roger at RPM and everyone on here knows more than me but just trying to look at this empirically.
Also my thoughts are driven by not seeing a single left engine failure throughout the day, which would be subject to just as much spray etc, especially when following people.
Plus each time the kart came in with a failed engine it started on the second pull [first one usually establishes the engine back on compression] without any extra WD or Duckoil, and went on again (survived nearly 8 minutes on the second heat before it failed again).
The super series picture was interesting as that was about the amount (if not more at PFI) of the water collecting at the exit of the 2nd chicane especially and the driver says there was other good amounts getting wards that across other parts of the track. It was incredibly wet yesterday as those racing will testify. One kart actually went through it and got the bow wave to come over the front of the kart dust bin lid.
Answer I suppose is to see what happens when we clean off the engines and maybe duplicate things.