I can definitely confirm what Hairygit has to say. From personal observation on track: Kit: New T2 with a stepped key, on a brand new Project One against a variety of other chassis with some big T1 motors on them, (ranging from 5.8 to 6.0+ mean on the RPM scale) Observation: On the straight, with a driver with less experience than those with the big T1s, even entering it at noticeably slower speed. It was a no contest between the T2 and the T1.
The T2 was significantly faster and would have been even more so with a different driver. During a fifteen minute session with a 74/20 gearing The Mychron showed that it's peak revs were hitting 6300(!!!!!!!)and so it could have comfortably dropped to 72 or even a 71.
In a nutshell a T1 decent SP versus a T2 with a stepped ignition, in the words of Sean Connery in the Untouchables is a lot like "bringing a knife to a gun fight".
Clearly the gun wins, however to continue the analogy to T2 versus Iame. The same Gun versus Knife logic applies only with the MSA planning to take all the bullets out of the gun.
And so with that in mind, (and looking at the specs that say the performance of the T1 and T2 will be similar), I just don't see the T2 being allowed out into the world of MSA racing until it's performance is "corrected".