It's NOT a 'crusade'! I STILL have more 4 stroke karts than I do 2 stroke karts! I LIKE 4 strokes!
However, there's 'common sense' here as well!
I DO understand that loads of you fiddle with the Honda because you love fiddling! More power to your elbow, I say....
However, there are OTHERS who may not know what they can get for MUCH less money if they keep their Hondas 'unmolested' but add one or two 2 Strokes to their 'fleet'.
Please note, It's me who LIKES 2 strokes AND 4 strokes. The people who are on 'Crusades' are the ones who claim that 'NOTHING but a 2Stroke/4Stroke is any good!'.
Damnit! I even promote the 2stroke/3stroke/4stroke Aixro motor! I am for ALL types of kart engine.... not just ONE type!
It just seems that, taking a motor that was intended to use as a pump motor and trying to convert it to FULL race engine is about as sensible as training a DONKEY to enter the Grand National!
Donkeys are GREAT. Race Horses are GREAT... Just use both of them as they were intended...! Go-Faster-Stripes on a Donkey make a laughing stock of the Donkey and the Owner!!