Again, it's complex. However, at your stage of racing, I'd still supect you had a poor cornering speed and thus poor exit speed. That's the most usual cause in 'novices'.
Watch CLOSELY.... were the karts which overtook you gaining once they LEFT the corner or were they closing on you IN the corner? Most usually, novices don't use the FULL width of the track: if you can avoid hitting the kerbs on exit.... you are going too slowly! The concepot is that MOST corners should be taken at such a pace that you can't HELP but use ALL the track.
If they 'took' you once you were on the start of the straight, then your motors sound VERY slow! It'll cost BUT send them to a good engine tuner. If not, get Brain Pollard's 'file' on the Honda and read it thoroughly:-
With your lower gear ratio (if you are correct), we'd have expected you to out-drag them out of the corner but be swamped at the end of the straights. That's not what you seem to be reporting.
Sorry to be hard on you but, experience tells me, most of the time lost to novices is in their DRIVING rather than their kart.
Use a proper rev-counter (e.g., Mychron 3, upwards) and use their PC software to analyse your driving. I have been driving at Rye House for over 50 years. I compared my 'sector times' to my sons and found our lap times almost identical. However, I was quicker in one sector and he was quicker in another. When I studied the data, I could see where I was losing 0.5 secs and we both improved our lap times by 0.5 seconds by learning from the other! It's not ONLY novices who can learn!