That wasn't the point. Yes, I was aware that you were discussing the Wankel Norton (and said so in my text) but I was being 'generic' with some of the stuff. I still thought that Norton was based on a Road engine but.... I am prepared to be corrected on that.
I would also point out that the Aixro was designed somewhat .... later.... than a 1970s race engine....
Reducing the mass of the flywheel DOES allow you to 'rev' the engine very quickly in Neutral or de-clutched or 'on the stand'. However, I've not seen many races won in neutral, declutched or on a stand. Yes, a light flywheel LOOKS and SOUNDS cool.... but.....
I've also noticed that cars with supposedly lightened flywheels usually have go-faster stripes, an aerofoil that's 'masked' by the cabin and 'lowered suspension'......