Hello Ian, here's my reply to your scathing attack on lightening flywheels...
your points and the flaw in each point:
1)the concept of lightening is a joke and the difference is minor ans)just discounting a very respected, previously quoted, figure from the world of m'cycle racing, shows how little you know about engine tuning. (I realise you hate bikes and this slanted attitude prob' gives all related convo's little chance of reaching you.If you can put your hand on your heart, as I can, and say all racing is racing, then you stand a chance of being balanced when debating racing issues. Until then Ian I cannot take any of your posts seriously.
2)inertia and flywheel weight is only relevant to engines with a clutch and g'box ans)wrong! Any gain in acceleration has a massive impact on the next straight/exit from a corner. At no point, during a lap, is a racing engine in neutral no matter whether it has a clutch or g'box.
3)the Aixro has a small flywheel ans) wrong! the flywheel is a considerable part of the engine, and significant enough to warrant dynamic balancing ( as per marketplace ad that highlighted the fact).
so, summing up, Ian, your jumping to the defence of the Aixro was unwarranted as my opinion is just that... my opinion.
Your arguments are fatally flawed by your anti bike tunnel vision and it does you no favours to be so slanted.
Maybe your long posts where you repeat your flawed logic is going to sway some readers but I can assure you that given the choice between believing the late great Peter, and yourself I have no doubts whose logic actually stands up.
Reply or not Ian... your choice. I have given my opinion and will prob' not respond further on this area of lightening flywheels.
Brian P.