On speaking to Pete and Shaun before the race they didn't seem too concerned at the speed drivers were doing off the track down the initial section towards the shed. It was more a case of having to slow drivers down where they put the tight, coned turn into the shed. This worked well but not sure on the necessity to exit the kart, switch engines off and push the kart.
The distance from the tight turn to the weight scales is very short so not much speed could be built up there so possibly an option would be to allow drivers to remain driving the kart onto the scales, leave the scales and then place a double width stop box just after the exit from the shed where the refuelling bay is so if a kart wishes to refuel it could do so in the stop box and if another kart is wanting to pass through without refuelling at the same time there would be space to stop at the side then set off again. Then the stop box at the start of the pit lane and the final usual one at the end of the pit lane before going out onto track.
Sounds like a lot of stop boxes but its only one more than the method used the other night and saves having to turn engines off and push karts. Can just see an accident in the making with the method tried on Thursday. Might take a few races to get the best working system in place.