I have read with interest the threads on the extremes, I can only answer for EPEC 1/ Engines my understanding from RPM that they produce 7.1 hp 2/ In EPEC we will not be having a buy back in extreme class but the orpanisers will have a number of control engines which they can give to teams to run at selected events or swop them if required. We have not set a criteria for this as yet but we will do once Kelvin has had an opportunity to observe at the 1st round. 3/ The extremes will run in Pro-Class along with engines that meet the technical criteria (generally 160 sp's) We have decided to run the extremes at 185 kilos (provisionally) for round 1 witht the option of increasing this to 187.5 if necessary. 4/ I may be wrong but generally more power requires more fuel, this may prove to be the achilles heal when racing against proven 160's but this will be another chapter & be better understood after the first round 5/ Differential speed, I do not believe this will be a major problem but make it easier to nip pass the hire karts especially at Teesside in the 24hr. Finally, I only hope our faith in this class is rewarded with stronger entries across the Country although to many pro-karting may seem expensive I can assure you a season racing pro-karts including 3 x 24hr will cost you less than a round in the world or european championship. It may not be cheap but it is extremely good value when compared to most forms of circuit racing. Bob Pope EPEC