There are some top leval drivers out there that don't wish to deal with or may of had a bad deal with the said tuner. Or who can build there own competive engines. These drivers would liked to raced against the other top drivers but are excluded because of the one supplier. I agree that more than 1 supplier would lead to 200sp's as they compeat agains each other. But to hail this concept as a saver to pro karting seems a little exaggerated. When I was involved in pot karting the grids were stong ie Paul Bowler, Rhy House, PFI etc the grids started to diminish about 2008 / 2009 the same time the resection hit. Some say the sp's arrived about the same time so that was the cause of the loss of grid numbers. But most of you will agree that corporate karts are reasonably equal in power and guess what there numbers are down aswel. There is not as much money about. It's a good bussiness move by rpm and not much more. He has total control of supply servicing and sealing. ok you can have you engine serviced as and when you like. But you bet the boys with the biggest chq book will have them done every race to take the advantage.