The strange thing to me is how many have been blinded by the offer of free engines that you cant (or more likely choose not to) see that allegedly this whole situation has been manufactured by greed and circumstance. These engines just didnt miraculously happen into life, who in their right mind buys a container load of GX200's as an act of charity to the Prokarting scene? They were bought (and more importantly paid for) to provide a performance advantage for SP's that was taken away with the advent of Kelvin Nicholls timing checking tool which nullified the need to have a stock of GX200's on hand to provide flywheels for SP motors. I would wager a lot of them have 160 flywheels from the donor SP engines in, if not they are then the stock of 200's for what was expected to be 2014s batch of SP's. No wonder they are free, they have already been paid for by SP hungry Cadet Dads and the like. I wish I could come up with a business model that allowed me to sell something twice, and then get the contract for maintaining it too!
Now I know some of you will say dont look a gift horse in the mouth, but frankly Gentlemen some of your fawning over this brave new world borders on the sycophantic. I suspect somewhere in a quiet corner of Winterton someone is fit to explode into his pint of Fosters such is his glee at the current situation, but his self-imposed exile wont let him come on here and express it. But the simple fact of the matter over arching all of this is this is not some altruistic gesture designed to bring Prokarting back to the forefront of Karting, instead its a cynical reaction to Mr Nicholls attempts to stem the advantage of the SP's by bringing up the rest of field, and allowing the little guy who may wish to self tune more of a chance. The schism it is causing is plain to see, those who can bury their disgust at the way this has been engineered, can ignore the fact its being sold as something it blatantly is not and perhaps most importantly can hold their hands out when theirs a bribe in the offing whilst ignoring their fellow racers with principles who stick to their guns regarding what GX160 racing should be about, those people will likely welcome this supposed panacea. The rest of us will stick with what we've got thanks, and say thankyou for the likes of Kelvin who thought first of us working men for whom the diversity of engine tuners, the chance to get our hands dirty and the joy of engineering competition matter a little more.