Firstly, don't get confused by the idea of peak power output... it really is illusory. Look at two engines:-
Engine 1 has a smooth power band in the mid range , Engine 2 has a feeble motor until exactly 5,500 when it becomes ballistic.
Engine 1 Engine 2 .................................................. 2000 rpm = 4.5bhp 3.0bhp 3000 rpm = 4.8bhp 4.0bhp 4000 rpm = 4.9bhp 4.1bhp 5000 rpm = 5.2bhp 4.9bhp 5500 rpm = 5.3bhp 6.5bhp 6000 rpm = 5.5bhp 5.1bhp
Remember, engine 2 is at max power in a small band...... how long per lap are you AT that peak power revs......?
Which engine would YOU prefer to race?
..... and yet, if we advertise both of those engines for sale, engine 1 has 5.5bhp but engine 2 has a spectacularly higher 6.5bhp..... and yet you now know that engine 1 would be BETTER in a race!
Obviously, those figures are just examples and don't match real engine performance..... they are illustrative, only..... but I hope you get the concept. As I said, peak power, on its own, is illusory.