Hi Ian,
Curious about this subject, do you know if the ackerman rate being too high can introduce a mid corner bounce, ..especially in high speed corners.
Been thinking through some scenarios that baffled me recenlty due to not having my kart bounce like this before. Nothing is bent or cracked but i was at a different circuit. Moved to the outer hook up points on the pitman arms and it was ever so slightly better but I've run out of holes now and there is no hole at exactly 90 degrees south of the king pin.
I did try toe-ing the front end in, thinking this would over come the inner stub turning too extremely and again it improved the situation ...so I'm sure I'm on the right track. Only went 3mm toe in.
Just to note - tyre pressures, and torsional changes were made to fix this too - but they had little effect.
Any Thoughts sir?