Careful Knighty, you committed a classic, much repeated, error of thinking. You said:-
"... daddy put too much grip into the kart...."
That is UTTERLY impossible!
Think it through.... how happy would you be to race against someone who was allowed to run tyres that were (let's guess) 50% stickier (more grippy) than the tyres YOU were allowed to use? The answer is, like the rest of karting, you'd SCREAM that the other driver was gaining an unfair advantage: cheating.
Now.... all he had done was to INCREASE the grip by a greater amount then you can HOPE to make your son's kart more grippy by your legal means. If such a stunningly grippy kart would be faster than your kart.... how is it possible to give YOUR kart ...'too much grip' by simple adjustment.....?
If you meant: 'You gave it too much grip at the REAR...' then that is a possibility, but too much grip OVERALL is totally impossible no matter what anyone tells you..... oh..... unless your tyres became glued to the track surface and can't rotate at all.....
If anyone tells you that I am wrong, please get them to explain how THEY'D feel to race against a kart with illegally grippier tyres than they have.... Surely, they should be DELIGHTED for the other guy to run such tyres because that 'other kart' would have FAR too much grip...? .....Yeah.... likely!
By the way, if you have unbalanced the kart by improving the rear-grip, the correct approach is to try to improve the grip at the FRONT as well. You should only throw away that gained rear-grip once you have failed at EVERY method to increase the front grip, FIRST!