Gordon, I admit my research is just reading the results on the WL website...where the past months have shown how poor the turnouts have been.
Grids of 8 extremes and 2 or three 160s are nothing short of staggering, but not in a positive way.
2010 may well have been good times for prokarting but doesn't that make you want to sort out/build grids rather than just watch the decimation of grids everywhere that sps have appeared.
The new concept of sealed 200s was meant to build grids... instead it has just killed sprinting stone dead everywhere it goes.
Wake up Gordon... grids need new blood to regularly turn up and not just race once, see they stand no chance without an sp or a seal.
Sps were the start of the monopoly and the selfishness of those that had big buck engines has got you exactly where you are today... gridless at WL... (with 2k doorstops if anyone actually paid for their engines)
Brian P.