The valve springs are outside of the seals so that owners can change them. I changed mine after a year of use but to be honest they didn't need doing and no performance advantage was gained from doing so either. I just used the genuine G4 springs but there is a cheaper alternative that many use that is made in the UK and performs equally as well.
Regarding the rotator, I don't recall them being fitted to mine but I'm not intending to open up an engine to verify so would take Graeme's advice on that and contact the supplier.
Bearing in mind this is a sealed class when engines are supplied to a certain performance specification, you'd like to think that there is no adjustment that an owner could legally do, such as valve clearances, to gain an advantage.
I suppose the good news is that if you think a competitor's engines are performing better than yours then you can take advantage of the buy-back. Not sure if anyone has made use of that yet? I'm sure if it does, it'll be a cadet father rather than a prokarter.