Possibly illegal......no, they will remain legal.
I believe that's the overall issue, this is why the initially planned 45.05mm crank stroke was changed to 45.08mm as certain engine owners threw their arms up in the air in disgust.
So its reduced by a whopping 0.02mm from this years 45.1mm reg, which is less than 1 thou reduction.....but everyone should be happy with this as all engines remain legal.
My understanding is the engine must pass both hot or cold......but logic says the block expands more than the crank and rod, as its bigger, so when hot it makes the piston depth gauge check safer to pass.
Also when the head is hot it will be expanded and again make it safer for passing the 73.8mm gauge check.
But again, if the engine gets bagged and taken away for inspection you still need to be safe when its cold.
anyway, its nice the 2018 regs are finally out, as its now in black and white for everyone to see and get beavering away on.
So I guess now we all need to go and buy 50 cranks in the hope to find a bigun!......at �186+Vat each, that will clean everyone out I'm sure.