It seems to me that once engines became unsealed then there was bound to be an initial increase in performance found in the engines by parts matching etc.
However once the realistic maximum level has been found performance will reach a plateau. As long as engines continue to be properly & regularly controlled this is where it should stay.
Looking at the recent Honda S1 results there was only 4/10th between the whole field, from the outside my view is that this proves you have about the best system you could hope for in the UK, the grass is always greener and further changes may just make things worse.
Here in France, the controls are very patchy so now even with the best legal engine it is becoming difficult to compete.
I don't know that people are cheating but consider that somebody who knows these engines could build a non legal monster engine from any one engine in a couple of hours (with the right tools and parts). But to get the very best legal engine would require parts from several engines and a couple of days work.
Now if you had a regime with no checks or controls, no reputable engine builders and unclear rules, which route would you be tempted to take?