i very much doubt this is a blockage. see the saxon website as said, but this problem is most likely an airlock in the water system. There is a bleed pipe on most engines about 4mm in diameter usually white or clear NOT blue. This goes from the head via a banjo fixing to the top of the rad. Take the pipe out of the banjo fixing at the engine end, and watch all the bubbles come out until coolant comes out cleanly with no air. Once this is done replace the pipe, top up the coolant and run up the motor without the rad cap on. The rad should now warm up fine. If not repeat. If still a problem ring Saxon. Once rad is warming up check coolant level and fit the cap. (Some earlier engines do not have a pipe and have an m5 cap head bolt with a copper washer in its place, in the top of the water pump on the head, the bleeding sequence is still the same though.) The only concern is, if you have had the motor ticking over for fifteen minutes with no coolant circulating, you may have overheated it causing head gasket damage. Hope this helps