Just a quick note on the marshals... All marshals at WL work regular shifts there outside of race days and have been doing for some time, some of them full time. This can be said of few circuits around the country. As a result, they are all very well trained, and know the circuit inside out, and know which parts of the circuit to watch out for, and recognise when incidents are likely to happen i.e. when drivers are getting a little 'racey'. I can say from experience that marshalling is not an easy job, as you have many karts passing you at once, and by the nature of the human eye you can only attend to a small number at a time, the rest is in your periphery. Generally, the standard of marshalling in my opinion is excellent, and very few offences go unnoticed. Despite not running MSA events, there are also two MSA registered clerks of the course present, an MSA scrutineer, and a paramedic, all watching for your safety and to ensure a good days racing. Any comments are welcomed either by myself, or by the senior staff at WL in person.