Transponders should be charged for a minimum of 16 hours, and the light on the Transponder will flash red whilst charging; Do not keep the Transponder on charge all the time, this may void the warranty; If the Transponder is fully charged, the light on the front of the Transponder will show a constant green light whilst it is in a plugged-in charging cradle; After charging, Transponders should be left to discharge fully; If the battery is almost flat, the light on the front will show a constant red light; A full charge will give the Transponder a minimum of four (4) days usage - indicated by the number of times the light flashes green on the front of the Transponder (each green flash = 1 day charge); Whilst in an unplugged charging cradle, the Transponder will into a "sleep mode", which will make it last up to three (3) times longer after a full charge. NOT my own work by the way.