To my team #24 Equipe Vitesse consisting of myself Joe Flay, The machine Simon Rudd and the gladiator russell Crowe Many Many thanks for all the great moments and memories. We have now incredibly won the hires 6 times in the last 9 years. I have to admit I also had a tear in my eye. This was my last Le Mans and Bob Pope very kindly gave me the honour of waving the chequered flag to end the race. As I ended the race I also ended my last Le Mans. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teams both hires and owner drivers for the standard of driving and for the carmaraderie that was expressed by all.My commiserations go out to the Ministry of Speed team #79 who gave us a 24 hour sprint to the flag with only one lap in it at the end. My heart was in my mouth for the last two hours but we done it again.