Forgot to say in last post that the gearing will probably be 22:63 or 22:64.
When we practised at the last race we were pulling 6000 revs, one kart blew an engine.
The track is flat out for a long time so gearing is going to be important. Coming down the hill is the best part, probably the fastest you will go in a Pro-Kart!
It is totally different to the club circuit with only the left hander at the end of Rogerson's and the hammerhead being the one's we are used to.
The main problem will be entry into the pits as it is near the bottom of the hill, so make sure you stick your hand up in plenty of time for re-fuelling or drive throughs.
Will be even more interesting if it is wet.
Should be a great evening, let's hope there are 36 karts (or more) again.
Mike T