"at a small entry fee surcharge" my HAT. The hike in entry fees represents somthimg like an extra 50% on the 2009 costs, plus the imposed cost of the onboard camera, plus the registration fee plus having to pay up front for the last three rounds has put the cost of taking part beyond the financial resources of most of the possible entrants that I know of. The TV coverage sounds to be a good idea, a pity that it is on a channel which is watched only by a minority who can afford it. To say that TV coverage can lead to sponsorship is a pie in the sky idea, having been in motorsport fo 50+ years it (sponsoship) usually means well off grandparents or a local friendly garage that will maintain the van for nothing. It is a great pity that with most of last year entrants giving an email address the organisers didn't think to survey everyone first by class and get a real feel for what was wanted. I am sure that potential competitors would have taken the time to respond and then this situation might have been avoided. Like "pccsystems" I really hope that 4S TKM classes do go ahead but my fear is that unless the costings of these relatively budget classes are looked the world will turn totally rotax. The organiser have to realise that there are still many would be competitors who have the skills to take part at this level who are put off by the ever spiralling costs and the apparent attitude that everybody has very deep pockets.