Yes, parts selected engines are faster. I saw nearly half a horsepower with just a change of head. IMO, this is where most of the differences are, both in volume, but also shape and size of the ports.
As for con rods, I've heard talk that people use the undersize rod that is available from Honda and then ream it out to give maximum length. Don't know whether this is true or not and or whether it is detectable. But it's not just rods, crank journal position can vary and this not only raises compression but gives a longer stroke.
As a relative newcomer to karting, I still don't understand why it is beyond us to produce perfectly equal and reliable sealed engines, especially for kids. Actually I don't think it is beyond us at all, just not wanted by the karting business that has a vested interest in keeping us buying engines and also for teams to be able to supply superior equipment to big payers.