Welshy is spot on regarding having your precious quick motors you have worked hard for taken away from you, I cant imagine the furore if there was a buyback rule in Rotax or Comers, for instance.
Then again Kelvins efforts are laudable to try and keep costs down but maybe that should just be for a Clubman class. In the National Championship and big Championships like WL and PFI where numbers will take it then you run the traditional SP's etc, and a Clubman class if required. Nobody last year in the Kartmania appeared to have a huge advantage in a straight line, the playing field self levels at that level.
Personally I'd like to see MORE tuning allowed, like the modifieds in F6 or at some of the non-MSA places like Lydd - Jeffs modified engines for instance elevate a Prokart to near Rotax times in F6, or at least certainly bridge the time gap in Seniors between the Prokarts and TKM/Rotax/KZ.