Check out this site for answers to your oil queries.
Just remember to keep everything in context here.
We are not talking Mac F1 engines or even high performance road engine spec - We are talking slightly modified 'lawn mower'engines that could be lubricated with 'chip fat' if need be (not for very long though ! -so don't try this at home !) Joking apart a good quality reasonably priced, off the shelf,car or (even better) motorcycle oil will be quite adequate in all but the most crazy tuned open/ unrestricted class Pro-kart engines. Same goes for the viscosity - the thinner the oil the less engine power loss through internal drag, less resistance to shear from the cylinder wall etc and reduced engine life.- its all a compromise. On the question of Shell M 2T oil this is intended to be used in two stroke engines either mixed with fuel or through pump injection directly into the engine. It could be used in a GX160 but would cause a lot of drag in cold weather due to its thickness. (Note: We find its very good for lubricating drive chains though -they last forever with this stuff!)
Hope this info helps with your queries.