There have b een lots of posts over the years about the lack of checking and cheats not being caught so in some ways it is good that more checks are being carried out. This will catch out people who do not meet the criteria even though they do not realise. As for communication, the ideal place would be driver briefing but not everyone attends, others talk throughout and maybe the officials get so fed up that they stick just to the essentials which everyone has heard many times - still has to be done. The MSA do send out regular newsletters to all licence holders (at least they do if they have an email address) and the ABKC publish regular newsletters - available online and at tracks. Not everyone bothers to read these and then complain about lack of information - not suggesting that CharlieCadet is one of these. In this case surely the engine builder should have been aware of the issue and contacted his customers to offer a free replacement for the part he had made illegal. Can you not count this as your drop round? I know exclusions usually mean you have to count a zero score but maybe for an idadvertant technical issue the club SPs will allow a drop. Worth checking.