sully - quite. gaz47- Point one - dead right. Point two - dead right. Engine probs etc - presumably they give you another one ?? Or something. Dyno thing - one of the intrinsic problems with this, and there is no official line, this appears to be a few blokes getting together and making it up as they go along - laudable aims, ridiculous conclusion. I can't afford it either, and as for other circuits - we're way off that being feasible, plus see my post making the proposition that it may effectively become a victim of it's own 'success' regarding numbers.
Your first point is of course the whole idea, fine, and that's how it's being explained, but it's an end. Unfortunately the means is a lot less defined.
As for the planning, I suspect that it started at some point during Kelvin's efforts to chip away a bit at SPs and address the equalisation issue (without a wholesale revolution) - the amazing thing is that some people have fallen for it - shiny I suppose.
I'm looking forward to the matching branded racesuits that don't fit, supplied tyres that don't work, and a control Wizzokart Mk1.