I have to agree with the last comment. At 10 my son is only carrying 2kg of lead in IAME, he is fit and lean, eats very well, cycles 40+ mile per week as well as swimming and running. There is only so much you can do the control a child's weight after all they are growing! The argument over weight limits 20+ years ago is easily quashed by looking at the progression of children over that time, how many 6ft, size 11 feet, 13 year olds were there 20 years ago? Another factor in our class is, we moved from Comer to IAME at the beginning of this year, 4 kilos off the kart immediately to account for the extra weight of the engine, before we look at the growing spurt my son had! The IAME cadet class will struggle with numbers when most 10/11 year olds are moving up. Like others have said my son is not physically ready to make a move to a Mini, he is not mature enough, strong enough, or have the stamina needed for that class.