Nice username. yes you are correct some have been able to replicate the tooling marks and have decked blocks. But they have also done a lot more, which the new regs will prevent them from doing. But by now allowing all to now deck the blocks it means most engines will now be more even. Plus with the new exhausts having slightly less performance than the standard old Honda exhaust, it's also going to level the playing field. Kelvin does a great job trying to keep up with the new cheats that people come up with, but he will always be one step behind. But he won't give up and reg changes have to be published in order to become current. So even if they find a cheat during the season they can't throw them out if it doesn't break the regs. Hence why every year they get a tweak, it's frustrating but it's what we've got. We just have to get on with it and hope honest racers and talent wins through in the end.