Ah.... I see...... so although YOU claimed that Tmoon was CORRECT in claiming Lewis was punsihed for cutting the chicane, what you MEABT was something ELSE! And that was 'gaining an advantage'
So..... can you now LIST which of the OTHER drivers did NOT 'gain an advantage' by leaving the track during THAT race or ANY OTHER RACE?????
Let's look at the FACTS, shall we? They ALL left the track because they had arrived at a specific corner at a HIGHER speed than they could maintain and STILL remain ON THE TRACK! Think it THROUGH! There CAN BE no other reason why the FAILED to stay on the track....... unless... of course.... they are USELESS, e.g., Fisichella!
And if they all DID 'gain an advantage' by leaving the track, then THAT would explain why they were ALL PENALISED........ oh no..... hold on...... they WEREN'T! Because NONE of them prevented a Red Car from WINNING!
I await you list with interest!
It might ALSO explain how no FIAt was disqaulified at Monza when they REPEATEDLY jumped the kerbing with MORE than two wheels....... or would you like to suggest that THEY (and all the OTHERS) did NOT 'gain an advantage' by cutting THOSE corners????
I thought not!