Help Dad to decide...... and that's easy!
Consider how many hours he has spent teaching you to swim. Obviously, that's a HUGELY important 'safety' thing. However, last year, there were only about 150 water-related deaths.
Then consider that in about 3 years, you will be starting to drive. You will have lessons but they will last only about 20 hours, and then you will allowed out into the utter MAYHEM of our road system.......after ONLY 20 hours...... There were around 3,000 road deaths last year. Should that be TELLING us something???!!!!
Explain to him that NOTHING on this PLANET will teach you BETTER lessons of how to CONTROL a 4 wheel vehicle in a safer environment than Karting! Every single DRIVING (handling) technique will be there for you to learn, from handling understeer all the way to what the public call 'cadence' braking (which, in truth, ISN'T!).
You'll also learn a bit of mecahnical skill, and, if you can persuade dad to join in, you will spend SERIOUS 'quality time' together where the two of you will JOINTLY be facing challenges that are new to BOTH of you. Dads and Sons learn a HELL of a lot of RESPECT from and for each other at the race track. Those that don't....... LOSE! It's THAT simple! Yes, you WILL have arguments but you will (probably) BOTH learn how to be a TEAM!
Make sure Dad sees a few of the proper 'dads and lads' teams working out the back of a small car with minimal resources. Try NOT to concentrate on those who arrive in the Motorhomes! They may LOOK the most interesting but they AIN'T!