Ian,if you have ever had to do any degree of navigation you would be aware of magnetic variation,which is up to 6 degrees East then reverses to up to 7 degrees West then back and forth at a rate of 0.5deg every 3 years,therefore ,the Earth shifts on it's axis through 12 -13 degrees on paper.it is known some of this is purely magnetic as the isn't totally spherical ,ever so slightly egg shaped and some is due to the Poles not being ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY opposite,so lets assume physical shift at half that. Nobody has inferred that North is now east or any such,however,think of a single degree,at 1degree tragectory a missile will over 200metres would have moved in a vertical plane neglibly,however ,expand that distance to 108,ooo,oooKms,or,0.7233Au and it is considerably higher multiply that by 3 and then 6 and see the differences that apply. Well thats the way I was taught it anyway !
Anyway,another thing that isn't normally taken into the equation,what about if the cause of climate change is not of this Earth. What if the energy released by the Sun varies slightly,that would have a direct effect,but does anybody actually consider that? never heard it mentioned. Or what if the magma beneath our feet is heating or cooling the seas at different rates due to tectonic plate shift beneath the surface ,which we do know happens,Indonesia 2004 gave us proof of that and it is known it happens many times per year but to a lot lesser degree. Don't forget we're stood on the biggest geothermal energy reserve on earth,THE EARTH.