From a semantic level, everything has an effect on everything else, but quantifying that effect is what's important.
So for example if I pi55 in the ocean, I will actually increase its volume, alter its temperature, alter its viscosity, alter its chemical consistency and whole host of other attributes. Admittedly all to an infinitesmal level, but I will. The thing is, a myriad of other things [big and small] will be altering it too. Some of those things we understand and some we don't.
So going back to the climate change issue :
The first point to make is that we know the climate is changing but we don't fully know why nor to what extent. We never did and its extremely unlikely that we ever will.
The second point to make is that we must be prepared to adapt to changes in our habitat. Again, we have successfully adapting since we first walked the planet.
Beyond that we need to be extremely cautious. We live in a slowly evolving society which is carefully balanced. If we all really believe we are doomed and we are all convinced its because of our modern existence then we start down a deadly path.
Why ? Well, let's not forget that some of us are more powerful than others and have the wherewithall to anhilate our fellow man. If enough momentum gets behind this climate change lobby and those powerful people really feel threatened, they will not act in the expected way... they will merely prioritize their existence over that of others. People have gone to war and killed each other for far less.
This is why it is dangerous to take this argument too far and this is why its better to do nothing than to do something stupid. Again, the solution will be adaptation.