I am DELIGHTED that you have CHOSEN to confirm (by FAILING to challenge the rhetorical question) that you WOULD advise the patient with posible Cirrhosis to STOP DRINKING while we do the further 'TESTS'!
It also works as a BEAUTIFUL analogy to the anthropogenic global warming 'hyposthesis', i.e., just like the patient, we are consuming something which looks as though it C*O*U*L*D KILL US! We do not know FOR CERTAIN that it WILL and we don't know haw FAST it could kill us!
Stopping consuming at this HUGE rate will NOT kill us and may even HELP us.
Thus, just like the 'patient', the ONLY SANE thing to do is to CUT DOWN or STOP until we can be SURE one way or another!
It's possible that we will NEVER know if our consumption WAS the problem.... BUT.... the POTENTIAL result of CONTINUING to consume at the current rate is VASTLY too CATESTROPHIC to CONSIDER both for the patient AND for the PLANET!!!!!
Now that you HAVE accepted that point, you need to explain WHY you will not advise HUMANS to do the SAME THING with regard to FOSSIL FUELS!
We both know you will continue to try to IGNORE this point as it simply ANIHILATES your OWN ARGUMENT!
Tee hee!
I have to offer you a HUGE thank you for producing the KILLER 'analogy'! It's absolutely PERFECT and it has the EXACT effect that I have been LOOKING for! It simply STOPS your argument STONE DEAD IN ITS TRACKS!
Nice one, Davy!