Only becasue your example make as faulty assumption...... because it's NOT 'exponential'!
All the previous experience shows that population growth SHOOTS up when a country gains healthcare through becoming WEALTHY! That society then discovers that it does not WANT to support the HUGE families which it produced during the years when there was a HIGH infant mortaility and the populatation stabilises at a level which, in MANY countries, starts to decline when women get control of their FERTILITY through birth control, etc.!
Damn it, France has been placing HUGE adverts for people to HAVE more babies!
Having said all that, what the HELL is there to argue about in THAT? Or do you suggest that we CONTINUE to allow unlimited 'co2' emissions and unlimted population growth until we hit the (mythical) 'lemming phase' of causing some form of MASS MURDER and/or SUICIDE???
Are you INSANE???? How the HELL can you be SURE you won't be one of the DEAD or one of the ones who is to be COMPULSORILY STERILISED????
When your uncle first went to the doctors, there was NO PROOF that it was alcohol induced! In fact, there STILL ISN@T ANY PROOF THAT IT IS! Why can't you GET the concept that there can NEVER (I repeat NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, N*E*V*E*R) B*E A*N*Y P**R**O**O**F of EITHER of those things!????
Does NOT having 'proof' make your uncle LESS DEAD!
There is PLENTY of evidence that the INCREASE in number of hurricanes IS caused by higher GLOBAL TEMERATURES! The RATE and FEROCITY of hurricanes is SIMPLY demonstarted as being DIRECTLY linked to the ocean temperatures. Those are a FUNCTION of global warming!
For god's SAKE, what more EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED???
I AGREE, there is no 'PROOF' that higher ocean temps lead to more and more-ferocious huricanes but there is a HUGE amount of EVIDENCE for it! Literally, not a single SOUL in meteorology DOUBTS that as F*A*C*T!
In the last week of your uncles life, there was not ONE strand of PROOF that:-
* it was the DRINK doing it
* couldn't have 'adapted' to the higher alcohol levels
* that even WITH a failed liver, that he could NOT have survived!
With EACH of your points KEEP fogetting that I can apply, JUST AS ACCURATELY, those SAME points to the 'cirrhosis argument'! And YOU K*N*O*W the results!
Please forgive me using you uncle in this way! It's NOT meant to spread grief. I am ONLY using his example as being like the deaths of all the OTHERS who have succumbed to the same disease. I obviously didn't know him but I;ll bet you that, even if HE didn't die from alcohol related disease, that 95% of those who DID die from THAT cuase would have used EXACTLY the arguments that YOU are using to PRETEND that Anthropomorphic GW ISN'T happening to THEIR 'drink problem':
Firstly, they denied it WAS happening Then they would have denied it WAS th drink Then they would have claimed the doctros don't know what they were TALKING about Then they'd have said, ' but I don't drink enough to CAUSE theis problem' THEN they's have said: 'I can stop drinking whenever I WANT to' ......and then it KILLED them!
Forgive me: it's YOUR choice if you want to kill yourself with drink. The effect on your family, however regretable, STILL doesn't affect 99% of the REST of us. BUT..... it is NOT your right to choose to kill the REST of of us through PROFLIGATE WASTE OF FUEL! Whethjer YOU accept the EVIDENCE around you or NOT!