My nephew wanted me to "front" his insurance 2 months ago, at the grand old age of 17 and 5 weeks he had passed his test and as I had never had a claim /accident/points he thought I was the ideal candidate with 30+ years of Insurance history,luckily I said no,I steered him towards comparethemarket and he got it on his own Insurance for hundreds of Pounds cheaper than previously quoted,it can be found.
Today I spent most of the afternoon ringing around for a Peugeot Partner van Bonnet,bumper,radiator,wing and slam panel ! yes Ian was right in his last statement, and it was inevitable,even though he ran into the back of the car in front it was the OTHER drivers fault.He stopped to quick............
As for the question about is it cheaper to insure if you hold a competition license,if it's anything like holding a RAC/ACU bike racing license,DO NOT MENTION IT !!! When I used to race I tried it and my Insurers LOADED my premium.And they were Licenses for off road racing.