As I have told you repeatedly, a bigot is someone who will NOT change their view when presented evidence, facts or ANYTHING else.
Do I need to cut and paste YOUR comment where you BRAGGED about your REFUSAL to consider ANY EVIDENCE, EVER!
If you present the EVIDENCE that GW is NOT happening in the SAME sort of manner and NUMBER of reports which show that it IS happening, then I W*I*L*L change my mind! Indeed, I STARTED holding the SAME VIEW AS YOU until the EVIDENCE grew SO large that I was FORCED to change it!
The EVIDENCE of my change of position would PROVE that I am NOT a BIGOT to a thoughtful person!
Had you said: 'arrogant', 'pig headed', 'insulting' or 'BULLY' or many OTHER accusations, then I would have have LESS opportunity to defend myself but, as I have ALREADY changed my view on this matter once, I think that ELIMINATES the claim of ME being the bigot!
But..... how do I PROVE that to a man who won't ALLOW evidence to change his mind???