flippin eck, you must lead a very sad existence if your dinner party jokes are based on what i report on here. I never knew you cared Ian!
perhaps if you get the FACTS right the jokes might turn your dinner guests in to converts!
i have never said more sunspots = less output. the complete opposite actually. http://www.spaceweather.com/ the orange ball on the left of the screen on that link is the Sun, what does it say underneath? i'll give you a clue; "the Sun is blank, no sunspots"
it's been like that for months. August was the first month on record to report no sunspots at all. Them's are facts Ian! facts ! facts, yeh, where are yours!!
man does NOT cause GW you plank! I never said that either! man adds to the greenhouse effect, of which the effect on climate can NOT be measured: another FACT! GW is NATURAL, CLimate change is NATURAL! quite simple really!!!!
all you seem to have on me is the Philip Pullman quote, which was a mistake but actually makes complete sense in layman's terms if you've been exposed to new theories on dark energy entering the atmosphere at the poles! in fact why don't you write to Pullman asking him where he got his ideas from, in fact I might, and I'll tell him what you've been saying about him! I bet he knows more about this stuff than you EVER will!
this is a corker:
"Errr..... yes I KNOW it's me that's stupid but could you PLEASE explain where you have MENTIONED the "less Intense Sunlight" and the CAUSE and the EVIDENCE for this new HOWLER so that we can follow your 'logic'."
yes, Ian it is YOU that is stoopid!
less sunlight = cold. well, work it out, less sunlight = cold or colder! can anyone else help Ian understand this FACT!
I didn't write that copy&paste, a student in the USA did whose job is to decipher all of the new data from the Sun linked to Earth.
I'm not going to post anymore of their new findings on here becuase all you do is sprout abuse and Philip Pullman jibes!
here's a snippet for anyone else interested:
there's EVIDENCE that the Sun is expelling shed loads of hydrogen at the moment, some of it directly at Earth. It's hitting the now battered stratosphere and COULD freeze there forming ice crystals blocking more of the Sun's rays. Some scientists are now saying this could cause a rapid freeze.
also, there's a major methane expellation going on in the arctic right now. Methane being a gas 10 times worse than co2 which is the cause of the rapid melting of the area. this caused by tectonics, not bloddy humans!!