Staggering, you have READ something and UNDERSTOOD it at last! More sun spots = GREATER output!
That is EXACTLY the reverse of what you claimed BEFORE!
Well, at least I am having SOME success with you!
However, the 'old Singers' returns a few seconds later!
Here you go AGAIN:-
There is NO evidence WHATSOEVER of 'dark energy entering the poles'! Why do you say such STUPID THINGS! Don't you GET that EITHER????!
'Dark energy' is CALLED 'dark' because we 'know' it should be there but we CANNOT FIND IT nor even a TRACE of it!
It has been ASSUMED that it MUST be there to make the 'maths' add up, but we have NO (none, zero, nil, nada, b*gg*r all) knowledge of what it IS!
So far, the ONLY 'knowledge' that we HAVE of 'dark energy' or 'dark matter' is that the universe has MORE 'gravity' 'within it' than can be EXPLAINED by ANY conventional physics. Overall, the universe has only 90% of the 'mass' needed to produce the gavity that we 'see' and THAT is why we have ASSUMED the existence of that 'missing' 90% and called it 'dark energy' and 'dark matter'!
If there was ANY way of knowing 'where it entered' (tee hee!), then it COULD not be called 'dark energy'!
This is EXACTLY the point!
You read TITBITS of information and make FANCIFUL FLIGHTS OF IMAGINATION! The ONLY time it was suggested that 'dark energy entered the poles' was IN PHILLIP PULLMAN'S BOOK, when the 'energy' was ANYTHING but 'dark' becasue it could be SEEN with the 'LENS'!
So........ not only DID you do this last time (treat a FAIRY STORY AS FACT) but you are DOING IT AGAIN! There is NO EVIDENCE OR EVEN A SUSPICION THAT DARK ENERGY ENTERS A*N*Y*T*H*I*N*G!
Your treatment of 'science' is more like WITCHCRAFT! You WANT it to 'prove' XYZ and you'll bend ANY OLD TRIPE to FIT!