There you go again! You list LOADS of stuff which has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING you are discuissing! Why didn't you mention Ars*nal's WIN over Fenerbache at the SAME TIME: it has as MUCH effect on GW as does some of the OTHER tripe you mentioned! Let's take a few examples, shall we!
1) In what WAY is 'nuclear' a RENEWABLE energy or transport source as you SAID it was? 2) In WHAT way do 'MAGLEV TRAINS' apply to 'renewable transport'? Please compare and contrast them with OTHER electric trains, NOT diesels or steam, please! If they do no BETTER than electric trains, can you explain why you include Maglev and NOT STANDARD boring-old electric-trains? It wouldn't be because it's yet ANOTHER 'buzz word' you've picked up and tried to JAM it into subject, would it?
3) Errrrr....... H20........ err.... what EXACTLY did you mean by that once you have ALREADY listed Wave, Tidal and Hydro power? You are not dreaming AGAIN of splitting H from the 20 part and using THAT are you? (tee hee!) I do HOPE you are NOT! To give you a clue, THAT sort of technology is being used to, effectively, replace INEFFICIENT batteries! It is NOT a 'power SOURCE'!
Oh....... and that's NOT what David was saying! He is saying that Global Warming HAS happened and will (probably) CONTINUE to happen for the near future. You simply do NOT accept that!