You ARE logically correct but it does NOT 'defelect' the point. All it does is make it MORE complex!
Even if there were a MULTITUDE of causes, then we'd STILL need a reasonable COLLECTION of 'causes', all STARTING at about the same time, and they'd ALL need to be 'pointing upward' for the duration or at worst, a contunually changing set of factors all pointed upward consecutively over a LONG period. Or we'd need one or two MAJOR changes in a COUPLE of the cuases that pointed 'upward' for the duration. In ANY case, teher'd be a CLEAR starting point and there'd be a clear CAUSE of the upward trend!
When you get the the 'ending', if some of the 'pressures' of these (supposed) multiple factors for Global warming were STILL 'upward' you'd need a HELL of a big change in one or MORE of the others to counteract them!
But just LOOK at what Singers is claiming! Does he say that 'GW stopped and reversed in the last 10 years'? Does he say that 'GW stopped and reversed in the last 5 years'? Does he say 'GW stopped and reversed in the last 2 years'?
NO! he claims, with PINPOINT accuracy, that it ended IN 2007! Not 2008! Not 2006! It ended AND reversed in 2007! Now, what's the chance that two or MORE no related factors changed EXACTLY in that year!
In any case, all I am asking him for is the DATE and the CAUSE. If it's MULTIPLE causes, it will make it HARDER for him as he will need to show how they ALL started to point in ONE direction over a period of time but have SUDDENLY and MAGICALLY all pointed the OTHERWAY..... for some reason ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Now that WILL be a cracker!
I know you are being logically reasonable but we are NOT discussing 'minutiae', we are discussing the BROADDEST of canvases, here!