I have heard some TOSH in my time but THAT lot truly takes the biscuit:-
"This dark matter is energy and it fuels storms. Or it could do and that's what they're trying to prove.
they're talking about excessive hydrogen expellation from the Sun. the solar system moving through the milky way, clashing with another galaxy. All of this may have an effect on our Planet. In my eyes it's bound too!"
Where do I START...... How about that 'dark matter' is NOT energy, that's the OTHER component called 'dark energy'.
Errr..... and how come you are the ONLY person on this PLANET who knows what 'dark matter' IS? There's not another human being who has a CLUE what it is but, of course, YOU know! Christ! That'll be your THIRD Nobel Prize on it's way to you in the post, won't it!
'Excessive Hydrogen'..... excessive to WHAT? The Sun CONSTANTLY gives of Hydrogen and the quantity fluctuates at a known rate. There have been NO peaks associated with the period of time whn GW 'started' and it's thus NOT likely to have ANYTHING to do with it!
Amd the WINNER is.......
"..the solar system moving through the milky way, clashing with another galaxy..."
That's just TOO funny!
Errr... does you use of the term 'Solar System clashing with another galaxy' show that you haven't QUITE got hold of the CONCEPT of the SCALE of a GALAXY????? Or the STUNNINGLY pathetic size of our Solar System? Your use of the word 'another' seems to show you think that the SOLAR SYSTEM is the 'OTHER' Galaxy........
Some 'clash' THAT's going to be! A Galaxy contains around 100 billion stars. That's 100,000,000,000 stars. We are the 'size' of ONE of those 'stars'. The NEAREST Galaxy to our own is around 2 million light years away. It would thus take TWO MILLION YEARS for us to REACH it even if we COULD travel at the speed of light..... which we can't and DON'T.
So....... just HOW big is this 'clash' going to be and when is it going to happen??????
Give us a LAUGH and tell us WHICH Galaxy we are about to 'clash' with? And then tell us when it is 'predicted' it's going to happen! Then perhaps you'll explain why THAT distant galaxy has MORE effect TODAY on us that the NEAREST one!
Singers, let's put it plainly: you talk the biggest load of of TOSH on a subject about which you don't have the FIRST INKLING! You read JOKE articles, Phillip Pullman Stories, fairy tales, new-age hippy DRIVEL and, so long as there is NO evidence for ANY of it, you'll put it through the mincing machine you call a brain and spit it out TOTALLY un-digested and you just hope that NOBODY NOTICES that it is DRIVEL!
This gets dafter every day!