Honestly, RoadRat... this stuff is TRULY simple! Rememeber, this isn't 'new science', it's the old stuff worked out by Newton in 1687!
True.... there is SOME argument that it may be inaccurate by a SMALL amount.... indeed, that is EXACTLY what Einstein said, 'basic newton is SLIGHTLY wrong, but you only notice it at VAST speeds!'
That's the BEAUTY of astronomy: you can deduce how the LARGE LUMPS of the UNIVERSE works from knowing just a LITTLE about how the moon stays so near to us!
Be honest, you don't REALLY doubt it AT ALL! Not if you THINK about it.... beacsue you trust it EVERY SINGLE DAY as you RELY on what it does in a COMPLETELY predictable manner all the damned time! And it ALL uses basic Newtonian Physics!
An example?......
If you use mobile phones or 'land lines' to call othger countries; if you use Sat Nav or watch Sky tv; if you watch ANY reports from far flung places etc, etc., then you ARE relying on EXACTLY the same 'physics' that we use to know about the other Galaxies..... because ALL of those rely on broadly Newtonian maths/physics to keep the SATELITES up there in the FIRST place!
So.... the next time you switch on Sky TV, then you'll know that you DO trust these 'mad scientists' that you PRETEND to distrust!