If you thought THAT was a good one, look at the reply entitled 'Canceric', below.
As you will have seen, Singers has cut and pasted the bit from the NASA site STATING that the Sun's Gaseous output is at a LOW and yet...... he THEN goes onto say that the 'EXTRA' hydrogen arriving at Earth is 'leaving' (er..... not CREATING, you'll note but 'leaving') more WATER in our atmosphere (!) ...... (stunned silence for a moment, there)....... and it's THAT which is cuausing the Global COOLING!
So...... that's the Sun giving off EXTRA hydrogen..... at a time when it's giving off LEAST hydrogen.....
Try and get you head around THAT one!!
It's no surprise that he thinks water engines work, we are in global COOLING and that Phillip Pullman's books are REFERENCE works!
Oh...... and HE (alone on this PLANET) actually KNOWS what Dark Matter (and thus Dark Energy) A*R*E! Stand by for him to receive his Nobel Prize! That 'knowledge' HAS to be worthy of the NEXT one! Actually, he'll get the ones for Physics, Astronomy and Chemisty, TOO, in that case! In reality, he's more likely to get it for Literature in the 'Children's Fiction' category!
Let's be honest, if his STUNNING beliefs weren't QUITE so shockingly HYSTERICALLY FUNNY, I would have given up YEARS ago with him!
It's the 8th wonder of the world what tripe he'll think of NEXT!
There is a maxim, I believe attributed to an unknown Arabian author:
Man is four;
(1) Show me a man who thinks he knows, but doesn�t. He is a fool. Shun him.
(2) Show me a man who doesn�t know he knows. He�s asleep. Awaken him.
(3) Show me a man who knows he doesn�t know. He�s eager to learn. Teach him.
(4) Show me a man who knows he knows. He is wise. Follow him.
I try to treat most people as 'Number 3'. Singers is that STAGGERINGLY rare person who fits 'Number 1'! ........ perhaps such people are NOT a rare as I have always hoped!