"i aint backing down though! for the sake of all the scientists they are disrespecting I will keep posting the FACTS
1. like a few people on here i believe man made global warming is Bull shiiiiit!"
Since the vast majority of scientists SUPPORT the theory of human indiced climate change, YOU are 'disrespecting' a far greater number than you accuse Ian and I of doing. So..you "aint backing down though"? Does this mean that you are as closed minded as you insist we are? Hardly a splendid claim, is it? I on the other hand will quite happily 'back down' if presented with a greater level of evidence that supports YOUR side of the argument, than ours. However, at the present time, the VAST majority of climatologists insist that GW IS happening, and that human activity has had some influence on it. Since I assume that they know more about the subject than I do, it seems reasonable to accept their conclusions. You, however seem to want to take the conclusions of all sorts of scientists EXCEPT those whose speciality is climate. Astronomers, Chemists, Geophysicists, etc. are clever chaps (or chapesses!), but they are NOT climate specialists. If you need brain surgery singers, who are you going to get to do it? A thermodynamicist?
"i know that i know i have to prove it!"
Er...you know that you KNOW something? Well done!