Hold on there!
I am NO fan of this govt. but they LOUDLY announced that fact IN DETAIL on the DAY! If your paper or radio news didn't tell you that.... then you are reading the WRONG papers and listening to the WRONG radio programs!
All they have done is PREVENTED the cut in VAT from reducing the, alrdeay falling, prices of fuel. It will remain at EXACTLY the same price it WOULD have been before the cut in the rEST of the VAT!
You should be MUCH M=more worried about the document they ACCIDENTALLY released, on the same day, listing their plans to RAISE VAT to..... EIGHTEEN percent immediately after the next election! So.... when they tell you that they will be a NICE govt. after the next election.... you'll know EXACTLY what to expect the day AFTER the election! And you'll know EXACTLY for whom NOT to vote!