Go on then Chad: explain to me exactly HOW you claim the severe weather conditions in Australia to be proof that 'Global Warming' is NOT occurring when GW meant getting HOTTER but once I have shown that GW would produce FLUCTUATING weather it suddenly STOPS being 'proof' of anything!
'We' (the 'it is all our fault' brigade) don't need to prove that conditions HAVE become 'exceptional' over the past few decades, not even YOU doubt it (although Singers fluctuates between beleiveing it and not). 'We' now hardly need to SHOW that (part of it) IS man's intervention that has CAUSED it becasue even total DORKS like Bush have accepted it! Yes, there are a FEW few dinosaurs left and a number of them post here! It is in the process of becoming a 'requirement' for YOU lot to tell us EXACTLY what has CAUSED this general increase in temp if it is NOT 'man made'!
Unlike dear old Singers, if you DO want to explain the causes of the current round of temp increase, you'll need to explain how your theory STARTS at the right date, shows the same sort of increase and RATE of increase and duration. To complete the job, you'll also need to explain why ALL these things 'ended during a VERY specific date of 2007' or else Singers will tell you that you are WRONG simply because he is now the ONLY man on the planet who KNOWS the date of the 'ending' and HE (capital 'he' for the all knowing one!) tells us it all ended during a VERY precised 12 month period!
I'd also be delighted to hear what and where you found the 'data' which shows it's NOT 'Man Made'. I don't mean 'from the internet' but exactly WHAT was it you read, with citations.