David...... you ARE joking..... aren't you?
Those subjects are covered AD INFINITUM
Just taken at RANDOM, here's one covered by Nature WAY back in 2004!
Please NOTE!
I am NOT suggesting it as a SOLUTION to the problem, just and EXAMPLE of just ONE paper reported in a serious scientific journal as BEING a POSSIBLE solution!
I am FULLY aware of the problems, doubts, claims amd counter-claims that this COULD be a solution and/or a total red-herring!
The REASON I give it is that it is an EXAMPLE wwhich fulfils ALL the things you have asked! Buy the paper and READ it and follow through ALL the work done on THIS 'suggestion'!
However, it is NOT so usual for a scientific paper to try to cover MORE than the science of the DIRECT hyposthesis being tested! It is RARE for a paper to be published in a respectable jouirnal which WOULD look at all those points!
Why? Because (for example) it is NOT the duty of a climate scsientist to produce a 'balance between 1) and 3)'! That is the job of POLITICIANS and is EXACTLY what fatty Gore did! And look how THAT is seen by 'your' brigade!
Your request is like saying you expect Top Gear's review whof the Bugatti Veyron to consider the internal politics of Iran's religious leaders and calculate the likely effect on their producing a Nuclear bomb JUST because the Veyron MIGHT be filled with Iranian OIL!
We leave the scientists to give do the experiment and the 'maths' and leave the politicians to weigh up the consequences! They then 'inform' us...... and you then decided that some polician or scientist should have done ALL of that!
You do know that the world does NOT have a few spare 'Dr Whos', Professor Quatermasses, or Sherlock Holmes to DO this work.... don't you?